How Origin of Rajputs is Vellalar Race?

Written By ,
Pulavar B.Karthick Raja Pillai

First of all, to know about Vellalar Caste, Read this Blog, 

CBSE 6th and 7th History Book,

"In South India, Only Vellalars can be regarded as Kshatriyas"

Titles of Vellalars :

Pillai (Son of a King or Rajput),

Pillai = Rajput in South India

and 12th Century A.D, Chola and Pandyan Inscriptions, describing a Prince as Pillai
Before this, we have to know an important history, which is almost forgotten 

Parashuram Vs Haihayas 

Those who don't know this history, please read about it from other sources 

Haihayas are the branch of YaduVanshi Kshatriyas 

And during the rule of Kartavirya Arjuna, he defeated Nagas and captured Mahismati from them 

OK, now read carefully, 

Haihayas are Vellalas,
Nagas are ethnic present across India and form Majority in Tamil Nadu, 
Parashuram is an Aryan Brahmin

Here, only Vellalars are Pure Tamils by ethnicity 

Nagas are not Tamils 

In the war between Parashuram (Aryan Army) and Haihayas (Tamil Vellala Army) 

Parashuram won places in North India and Vellalas migrated to South India

Rajputs = Some may be directly Vellalas, some may be born to Vellala women captured by Parashuram and Brahmins 


BrahmaKshatriyas = People born to Brahmin women captured by Haihayas and Haihaya men (Vellalas)

This is mentioned by Seuna Rulers of Bengal, when they describe about their BrahmaKshatriya origin in 11th Century 

In 8th Century, there was a Vellala Commader-in-Chief, who was of Haihaya Royal Lineage

Also, many not aware that,

Pandyan Emperors were of ChandraVanshi Lineage

and, Pandyan Rulers who ruled Ucchangi region of Karnataka

have mentioned Haihayas and Lord Krishna as their ancestors

So, clearly, Vellalas are Haihayas and migrated to South India after the war with Parashuram

You could search about "Velir Migration along with Sage Agastya from North India"

Today, you could see Castes from Nagas claiming Pandyan Royal Lineage through their blogs

Due to the negative things of social society, you could see many classes or ethnics in the world trying to claim some Royal Lineage in their region, though they themselves know that they are unrelated 

Here, Pandyan Vellala Royals, who came from North India defeated Nagas of South Tamil Nadu and created Pandyan Kingdom

Nagas would be the only ethnic in this world, claiming an invader as their ancestor, who defeated their ancestors and grabbed their lands 

It is mind blowing 

Please, readers you try to read Tamil History from authorized sources 

And just learn who had most of the lands in Chola and Pandyan Empires

It would be Vellalas 

Pillai (Title) used to refer Princes in Chola, Pandya Empires

Pillai (Title of Vellalas) = Son of an Emperor 

Let's us know, How Rajputs are related to Vellalars 

This blog will surely help readers to know how much ancient is Rajput or Vellalar History is rooted in India

Article Name : "The Velalas in Mohenjo-Daro"

Author : Henry Heras of Spain

Year : 1937 A.D

Based on Computer Analysis, Scholar Yuri Knorozov suggested Dravidian Language for Indus Scripts 

And, After that Henry Heras started deciphering and published many research articles based on this

"The Velalas in Mohenjo-Daro" is available in English and Spanish languages 

The Velalas in Mohenjo-Daro :

According to Heras, 

Vellalar means "Man of Trident", one who holds Trident or Trishul 

Trishul is a Sanskrit word, Tamil Word for Trishul is Vel

Velir = Men of Trident, 
Velal = Man of Trident

The Himalayas belonged to the Vellalars

The Vellalars lived nearby Himalayas,

In North United Provinces and Punjab

Note : United Provinces (UttarKhand, Uttar Pradesh),

Punjab (Indian Punjab, Pakistan Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana) 

Rajputs are also found densely in these regions, today

Rajputs :

UttarKhand - 35%,

Himachal Pradesh - 38%,

Uttar Pradesh - 13%,

Jammu & Kashmir - 17%,

Punjab (Both India & Pakistan), Haryana - 5 to 6% each state

What about Rajasthan Rajputs? 

"Mohenjo-Daro : The people and Land" by Henry Heras
The Country of Vellalars (Himalayan Region) would be first annexed by Meenas, by defeating Vellalars

Following Defeat, Vellalars waged war on Meenas and defeated them, 

Teared their Latchana (Unicorn) and made it as their trophy of Victory

Then, following Victory, Vellalars would become rulers for both Woodpecker Country (United Provinces and Punjab) and Minad (Rajasthan) 

The Vellalar King also assumes the Title "Mina" to indicate the Victory over Meenas

This is will give an Idea on How Rajputs entered Rajasthan and Ruled it 
The Indus Inscription about a Vellalar King, who is referred as Karalar

Karalar is another name for Vellalars, meaning "Ruler of Clouds"


During Indus Valley Civilization,

There were Two Divisions in Vellalars,

1) Vellalas of Sun (Surya Vellalars),

2) Vellalas of Moon (Chandra Vellalars)

Paravas also had this two divisions

This would have later became to known as 

Chandra Vanshi and Surya Vanshi in Hindu Religion

"This give us to settle the Original Inhabitants of North India and show How ancient is the association of God Shiva with the Himalayas"

Rajput Kingdoms Vs Vellalar Kingdoms :

In 11th Century Tamil Literature named 

"Kar Mandala Satakam",

18 Vellalar Kingdoms have been listed that have ruled Kar Mandalam (Present Karnataka) 

These 18 Vellalar Kingdoms can be easily compared with Rajputs 

Vellalars of this region are said to be of Manava Gotra

Kadambas and Chalukyas Kings both claimed to be of Manava Gotra in their inscriptions 

Haihayas & Kalachuris - Haihaya Rajputs :

An 8th Century A.D Saiva Saint named 

"Eyarkon Kalikama Nayanar"

Nayanar means Saiva Saint 

Eyar is the Tamil Word for Haihaya,

And Kon means King or Chief

Eyarkon, A Haihaya Clan Chief of Vellala Caste, 

Whose family served as Commander-in-chief of Chola Army for generations

Haihayas and Kalachuri Kingdoms both claim to be of Haihaya Origin

Pallavas, Thondayars and Nulambas are Pallavas with different name or branches

Pallavas are Vellalars by Caste

A Chola period inscription about a Vellala's donation to a Temple in Mudikondasola-chaturvedimangalam, a Brahmadeya Village

A Vellala named Arindavan Pallavan is mentioned here

Rashtrakutas :

Rashtrakutas have claimed to be of Vrishni Yadu Origin, Lord Krishna's clan

Lord Krishna is a Vellala, many not aware of

Lord Krishna in Sanskrit means "Dark King"

In Tamil, Irunko Vel means "Dark King of Velir Clan"

Kottai and Nankudi Vellalars are also known as Irunko Vel

Irunko Vel family is mentioned in Sangam time Tamil Literature (1st Century B.C)

As Irunko Vel, the prominent Velir family ruled Dwaraka for 49 generations, before migrating to South India

Also, an important evidence is Administration in Rashtrakuta Dynasty 
In Rashtrakuta Dynasty, Sub-Districts were called as Nadu, which is itself a Tamil Word

And those chiefs, who administered Nadus were called Nadu Gavunda 

And, those who administer Villages were called as Prabhu Gavunda or Gavunda Prabhu

The above image is Tamil Nadu OBC list approved by Central Government 

Here, Nadu Gavunda or Nattu Gounder is a division among Kongu Vellalars 

Moryas or Mauryas :

Moryas are mentioned as Vellalar Dynasty. But, there is no enough evidence to prove that. However, according to Madurai local myth, Pandyan Princess Goddess Meenakshi (An Avatar of Goddess Parvati) captured India up-to Himalayas, and when she entered Himalayas, she fell in love with Lord Shiva and later they married at Madurai. Pandyan Commanders administered the Countries captured by Goddess Meenakshi. Mauryas may be descended from one of the Commander families. However, it is a Local Tamil Theory 

Rajputs relation to these 18 Vellalar Dynasties :

Conclusion :

Thus, Some Rajputs are Vellalars by Origin, some Rajputs may be of "New Kshatriyas created by Parashuram", who were born to Brahmins and Haihaya Vellala Women captured in war

Same, BrahmaKshatriya Kingdoms such as Pallavas, Kadambas, Senas were of "New Brahmins created by Haihayas", who were born to Haihaya Vellalas and Brahmin women captured in war

After Sankritization, Just Pillai Title alone should have been translated as "Rajput", and it would have became their caste name or identity, forgetting their "Vellalar" identity by time

Vellalars introduced Concepts of Language, Kingdom, Civilization to this World

Lakhs of Vellalars were killed in Sri Lanka and Lakhs migrated to other Countries 

To know more about this, 

Read this blog, 

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