The Vellalas in Mohenjo-Daro and the Sunken South Sumeria

Written By ,
Pulavar B.Karthick Raja Pillai

Thanks to Henry Heras of Spain and Yuri Knorozov of Russia 

The Vellalars in Mohenjo-Daro - Henry Heras

13 Pages 


Book Name - Indian Historical Quarterly Volume 14

Vellalas - Men of Trident (Trishul) 

Mohenjo-Daro (An Indian Film based on Indus Valley Civilization ) 

Starring : Hrithik Roshan, Pooja Hegde, etc

As you can read, Heras have explained where Vellalars lived, their worship, their Kings and Surrounding tribes during Indus Valley Civilization 

Here, Heras have written that Minas defeated Vellalars and Bhils and became their Kings

Heras in his later paperwork, Heras has explained How Vellalars defeated Minas and became King of both their country (Present UttarKhand, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab of India and Pakistan, Haryana,  Northern UP)  and Minas Country (Rajasthan). 

Reference : "Mohenjo-Daro, the people and the land" by Heras
Also, As depicted in the Indian Movie, Indus Valley didn't flood or go under sea or river 

Indus Valley Civilization is not about a Single City named Mohenjo-Daro 

Then, Which land went under Ocean or Sea or River? What long standing legend of Pandyan Kings tell us? 

Numerous Tamil Literature mentions Country of Pandyan Kings that went under Ocean or Sea

Also, Tamil Literatures mention him as the First King among Tamil Race or in this World 

We could get the answer today for the long standing question

Be it be the Pandyan, Chola , Chera, and most of the Tamil Kings and petty Chieftains of Ancient and Medivial Tamil Regions belong to Vellalar Varna

Only, Vellalars, Paravas and some more "Non-Naga Groups" are Tamils by Ethnic 

Heras had mentioned the ruler or Velalas as "Karalar"

Karalar are Sumerian Group, Not Tamils

Karalar means "Black Clouds"

In Tamil, "Black Head" also means "Black Clouds"

Sumerians have referred to themselves as "Black Heads"

So, clearly Karalar are Sumerians

But, Karalar are not Velalar. You could read this blog to understand that

While, Velir are Akkadians

"Bel" is the the title in Akkadian to denote "Kingship or Lord"

Among Velirs too, Vel is the title to denote Kingship

But, Vel in Tamil means "A type of agri tool", so Velalar are related to Agriculture

So, the title of "Velir Kings", which is "Vel" is of Akkadian "Bel" Origin and not Sumerian

Karalars are Sumerian,
Velir are Akkadian

Further, A Title for Landowners in Ancient Times is "Kilar", which is again of Sumerian Influence

Even to point Down to earth, "Kil" is used in Tamil, and Tubers like Potato, which grows under the ground are called "Kizhangu" in Tamil, which is of Sumerian Influence

Vellalas (Possibly mixed with Farmers from Sumeria) belong to Mediterranean Race. Vellalas carry J2 Y-DNA at high frequeny (Sub Clade - J2B2 M241 at 38 7%)

J2 Y-DNA is found at more than 30% in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Greece, South Italy

In India, J2a Sub-Clade of J2 Y-DNA is found at high frequencies than J2b2 for many castes. J2a Y-DNA is absent among Vellalars. Also, J2a Y-DNA came to India through Parthian Empire

Kindly, Note that only Vellalas are categorized as "Dravidian Race" among Tamil Speakers. Nagas are of Australoid - Veddoid Race

To know more that genetics and racial history of Vellalars, Read this Blog 

An Article about "Velalar Name Issue":

Coming to Conclusion,
Sea-level History Map of Persian or Arabian Gulf 

Clearly, It is visible that lands to the South of World's First Civilization - Sumeria, went under Ocean or Sea

Even Between 6000 B.C and 8000 B.C

Sumerian Civilization Flood History was well documented in their 4500 years old Clay Tablets

In Sumerian Civilization Tablets, It is explained that

A King named Ubara-Tutu, who ruled Sumeria, lost his lands to Sea or Ocean

His lineage named AntediluvIan Rulers, were the Early Royals of Sumeria 

Though, the years they ruled were mentioned inappropriately in Sumerian Tablets. We are unable to predict the year he lived

However, In Gilgamesh Flood Epic,

Hero of epic, Gilgamesh meets Ubara-Tutu's Son - Utnapishim, who is said to have been lived at a long distance from Sumeria Civilization

Gilgamesh is predicted to have lived between 2900 B.C and 2700 B.C

So, UbarUbara-Tutu, definitely could have lived 3000 B.C Image Source : Studies by Morner, 1987

5000 BP is 3000 B.C

So, this research article coincides with the predicted period of Ubara-Tutu

Hence, from all the above studies, we can conclude that 

Sumerian Ubara-Tutu Should be The Pandyan King mentioned in Tamil Sangam Literatures

Some people in media come around with Fake Lemuria Continent theory, to claim Fake Histories

It was much difficult for me, 

I had to go through a lot of studies, find Ancient History and to reconstruct it, accordingly, it should have a continuous history

I have made these articles, based on years of search and studies

Though, the above image speaks of Fertile Crescent Migration Theory

This is the Migration History of Pandyan Kings and Karalars and Velir too

Whether Panydan Kings were Karalar or Velir or some other clan or group from the Sumerian Region is to be Studies further

And, Indus Valley Civilization started around 3300 B.C

From the above studies, we can even understand that it is Ubara-Tutu and his people, who reached India have started Indus Valley Civilization 

That is, Karalar, Velir and Pandyan King with Sumerian Farmer People have reached India and started IVC

If this is so, then The Pandyan King though ruled Tamils and Nagas in South India from early times, 

The Pandyan Royal Clan would not be of Dravidian or Tamil Origin, but of Sumerian Origin

To prove, Ubara-Tutu is the Pandyan King. We may even need some more theories or evidences. Though, the above studies are more than enough to conclude Ubara-Tutu is the Pandyan king

I will definitely be on my path to find Ancient History, which is the Ancient History Of Human Civilization on this World too

Thank you,
Pulavar Karthick Raja Pillai

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