Who are the "Real Tamils" by Race? Is there anything called "Dravidian Race", who are they? Are all castes in Tamil Nadu are Tamils by ethnic?

Most of them are not even aware that there is "Dravidian Race"

The term "Dravidian" is used for 3 purposes

1) Region (South India) 

2) Language Speakers 

3) Race people

In case of 1 & 2, all South Indians, irrespective of race, religion are called as "Dravidian People"

But, in terms of Race, 

Only "Vellalars of Tamil Nadu" are termed as "Dravidian Race"

It is A.D 1911, the so-called "Tamils" caste-wise population census of Madras presidency 

Only, Vellalars are Tamils by Race or Blood

Nagarathars are just a branch of Vellalars, not listed in 1911 Census, but they are characterized as a seperate caste, as their profession is Trade

All the other Castes, who claim themselves as "Tamils" are termed  as "Nagas" Race 

What is the difference between Dravidian Race and Nagas Race? 

Dravidian Race is a branch of Mediterranean Race

Whereas, Nagas Race is a branch of "Australoid Race", especially "Mixed Australoids Race"

The Dravidians or Vellalars built the "Indus Valley Civilization and Sumerian Civilization"

When the Dravidians moved from Indus Valley Civilization to South India, the Nagas too learned "Tamil language" from the Vellalars or Vellalars taught Tamil Language to the Nagas

The only 3 groups from Tamil Nadu State, that have reference in Mohenjo-Daro Indus Valley Scripts are

1) Vellalars
2) Bharathavars
3) Nagarathar or Nattukottai Chettiars

Though Maravars have no reference in Indus Valley Civilization Scripts, they claim origin from "Guha" - a friend of Lord Ram, mentioned in Ramayana (Hindu Religious Legend)

Guha was a hunter and fisher, said to be lived in Ganges River Valley

They may have parallely lived with the Indus Valley People (Vellalars, Nagarathars, Bharathavars) 

Though, they are a different race from Vellalars 

Only Both Vellalars and Nagarathars are of Dravidian Race or Pure Tamils by Blood

Other than the 4 mentioned above, all other castes, listed under Nagas Race have no relation to the Tamil Language 

That is, The Castes under Nagas Race have no relation in creation of Tamil language

This is clearly registered in Silapathikaram and Maimekalai Sangam Literatures

Aryans too were Pastrolists when they reached India, and were of Aryan Race
Not just a fact, But also genetically

Vellalars carry the Highest frequency of "J2 Y-DNA" in India

Ignore the Note, that is given in the image

J2 Y-DNA is clearly a Mediterranean Y-DNA, found among Greeks, Albanians, South Italians, Iranians, etc

This is a page from "Studies in Proto-Indo-Mediterranean culture" book, written by Henry Heras 

Henry Heras has written, "The Velalas in Mohenjo-Daro" in 1937 A.D

What is the current status of Vellalars? Why their history or even the people themselves are unknown to this World or Country? 

Today, Vellalars are a minority in terms of race against Aryans and Nagas

The Population of Vellalars is around 8.5 Million in Tamil Nadu and was 1 million in Sri Lanka

Major titles of Vellalars :
(Title is a suffix, Indians add to their name, indicating their profession or status) 

1) Pillai (Prince)
2) Mudaliar
3) Gounder
4) Chetty, etc

Problems faced by Vellalars today or past three decades :

Vellalars in Sri Lanka were severely affected by "Sri Lankan Civil War"

Many fled to foreign countries and around 2.5 Lakh Tamil Speakers were killed in Sri Lanka between years 1990 and 2009. More than a Lakh Vellalars were killed in Sri Lanka

Name Change Against Vellalar Protests:

Primarily Vellalars are found in Tamil Nadu State of India

Population of Vellalars is 8.5 Million, 

While Nagas Race in same state crosses 50 Million

And Aryan population in India crosses 600 Million, and the National Level Parties dominated by Aryans of North India, as they form major population in India

We call them Aryan Race as they majorly carry R1a, R2 Y-DNA 

Though, "Hindu Religion" born of Indus Valley Civilization and founded by Vellalars, who ruled Indus Valley Civilization 

The Aryans, who entered India around 1500 B.C, adopted and also included their ideologies in Hindu Religion after entering India and today form major population among Hindus

Apart from Protests, Rallies, Hunger Strikes by Vellalars against State and Central Government against a name change, naming new communites as Vellalar or Velalar As they are not related to Vellalar Caste. Also, they have no relation with the term "Vellala"

The Non-Vellalas (Non-Tamils) keep on debating that "Vellalar is not a Caste or Ethnic Identity" and it is generic term

But, Vellalar is a caste or ethnic identity, and are the Original Tamils or Only Tamils by Blood 

Conclusion :

For People without brain, with their own Fake Imaginary Continent named Lemuria or Kumari Kandam 

The Below image is how Himalayas Formed

Himalayan Formation Theory have slapped the Fake Lemuria Continent Concept of Nagas Race

You too slap them with Himalayan Formation Theory, if any try to cheat you

It helps Non-Tamils, As their intention is to hide their History by 

Cheating others like stating that 

This Fake Lemuria Continent was older than Indus and Sumeria and as the huge land mass sunk under Indian Ocean water, collecting evidence of that fake civilization became impossible 

Vellalars are the Real Tamils

Vellalars (Including Nagarathars) are the Original Tamils by Blood or 


Only, Vellalars are the Tamils by Blood or Race or Ethnic

Vellalars invented or introduced the concepts of Language, Agriculture, Civilization, Religion and Kingdom to this World

Some more evidence or references :

Book Name :

The Origin and Ethnological Significance of Indian Boat Designs

 Year Written1920,

Author James Hornell, who served as Director of Fisheries, Madras Presidency during British Rule in India

In this book, author James Hornell have clearly written that 

Vellalars are of Mediterranean Stock, differentiating Vellalars from one of the Naga caste named Paravas. James Cornell have written Paravas are of Proto-Polynesian stock and Vellalars are of Mediterranean Stock

Another important reference is Risley Classification of Indian Population 

Risley has clearly stated about Dravidian Race, that Dravidian Race is connected to Brown Race and these Dravidian Race people should have entered India from Mesopotamia Region

And has given Vellalars as one of the best representatives of Dravidian Race

Dravidian Race - a branch of Mediterranean Race

If you want to know, Who is Risley? 

Read this Wiki Page

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